Environmental Toxins

There is little debate that microplastics are everywhere, including our coastal waters. Current strategies and technology to prevent and remove plastic across scales face limitations in cost, logistics, and timeliness of implementation. Recently, our Lab has been studying the presence and patterns of microplastics in the water column of the Hampton-Seabrook Estuary and we’re beginning additional studies of deposition patterns in salt marshes associated with coastal storms and sunny day flooding events. We have several projects and proposals in development with UNH collaborators and will look forward to expanding our reach into this exciting and timely field in the coming years.

Recent publications:
Brown, B; Moore, GE; Mogensen, H; Sims-Harper, T; Gibson, JL; Lee, B-Y; Wardinski, C; Jarrett, G. 2024. A baseline for microplastic occurrence in three New England estuaries. Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics 3(2).

An overview of these efforts can be viewed here: