Nia Jeffers
Marine Biology - MS



Born in Nevis, Nia was raised in the Virgin Islands, and has a background in biology and marine, wildlife and conservation biology. In 2018, she graduated from St. George's University in Grenada with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Her research area is mangrove habitat restoration and management with a focus in mangrove restoration methodology. In 2017, the Virgin Islands were impacted by two major hurricanes that resulted in a significant loss of infrastructure and coastal habitat. The first part of her project will investigate the efficacy of the restoration methods that are currently being utilized in the territory. The second part of the project will involve the genomic analysis of mangrove stands across the territory. Her hope is that the results of this work will impact the ongoing restoration efforts across the Caribbean region and inform policy for the protection and management of this important ecosystem.
In addition to her work, she also loves reading, going to the beach, great food, and island hopping on the weekend.

Spring 2023  UNH Summer Teaching Fellowship Award
Spring 2023  UNH Sustainability Award (Category: Graduate Research)