The Garnas Lab focuses broadly on better understanding the diversity, frequency, and consequences of novel interactions in forest ecosystems that occur as species ranges shift with biological invasion and climate change. Our study systems include emerald ash borer, beech bark disease, beech leaf disease, and southern pine beetle in forests of the northeastern United States. Our team uses these study systems (among others) to ask a variety of questions about the ecology and evolution of insects and microbes in forest systems.

The Garnas Lab in action!

Garnas Lab News

Jeremy Heath arrives for a postdoc!

By jrg1035 | October 1, 2017

October 1, 2017 Dr. Jeremy Heath has interests and background in plant defense theory and goldenrod gall midges and their interactions with Botryosphaeriaceae fungi.  Welcome Jeremy!

Caroline Kanaskie arrives!

By jrg1035 | August 1, 2017

August 1, 2017 Caroline Kanaskie recently graduated from Dickinson College with a degree in Environmental Science.  During her undergrad, Caroline has worked on foliar chemistry of Hemlock wooly adelgid-infested hemlock trees, as well as on a  funded EPA on nutrient and growth dynamics in New England salt marsh plants.  Caroline will be working on range shifts and […]

Breanne Aflague joins the lab!

By jrg1035 | January 24, 2017

January 24, 2017 Breanne Aflague has extensive experience insect rearing and biological control at APHIS PPQ. Originally from Cape Cod, Breanne will pursue an MSc studying aspects of the biological control of the Emerald ash borer in the regeneration layer. Learn more about her project here.