General advice for students/postdocs
The lab is not currently accepting new students (6/1/2024). However, graduate student recruitment is generally ongoing. If you are interested in working with us, feel free to send your CV and a brief description of the kinds of projects that most draw your attention and curiosity within the broad fields of ecology and evolution (focused on field ecology, entomology, microbiology, molecular ecology, etc., most often with a forest health bent).
If you are interested in pursuing funding to help support a position in the lab, I am happy to discuss.
Note: I am able to advise students through the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment (NREN) or the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences (MCBS) at the University of New Hampshire. I am also a member of the Natural Resources and Earth Systems Science (NRESS) PhD program faculty, which is interdisciplinary. Feel free to check out these programs, but I recommend that you not apply before discussing the position with me or another faculty first.
Send all materials or questions to