The Garnas Lab focuses broadly on better understanding the diversity, frequency, and consequences of novel interactions in forest ecosystems that occur as species ranges shift with biological invasion and climate change. Our study systems include emerald ash borer, beech bark disease, beech leaf disease, and southern pine beetle in forests of the northeastern United States. Our team uses these study systems (among others) to ask a variety of questions about the ecology and evolution of insects and microbes in forest systems.

The Garnas Lab in action!

Garnas Lab News

Eric Morrison arrives for a postdoc!

By jrg1035 | October 10, 2018

October 10, 2018 Dr. Eric Morrison has joined the lab to investigate the fungal community ecology of the beech bark disease system (using a amplicon sequencing approach) and to examine the land genetics of associated Neonectria pathogens.  Welcome Eric!

COLSA highlights the lab’s Emerald ash borer work

By jrg1035 | October 2, 2018

October 2, 2018 Thanks UNH!  See:  Bellwether beetle  Also see several videos on Facebook and Twitter:   UNH scientist tackles looming forest health crisis Fighting bugs with bugs Nice to see the face of the lab getting out there (which is to say the students and fieldworkers who make the whole thing run!)

Jeff is a guest on “The Exchange” with Laura Knoy

By jrg1035 | June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018 This time with former Dartmouth College PhD advisor and colleague, Matt Ayres.  Topic/NHPR blog post:  Warming Temperatures and Invasive Pests Pose Threat to NH Trees  — Click here for audio stream