Elected Officers & Responsibilities

Class Elected Officers 
The primary job of the officers is to preside over the meetings and the program and to ensure that the meetings run smoothly. However, care should be taken so that officers do not dominate the decision-making or discussion process. Every member must play an active role- CREAM discourages people from staying on the outskirts while others do the thinking and decision-making. It’s not enough just to do chores and that which is expected of you in committees. You must actively participate in the group process! Two elections will be held, the first being in the 4th or 5th week of the first semester and the second at the beginning of the second semester. An officer may be elected to the same or a different position each semester.

President: Presides over the meetings, sets the agenda, communicates with advisors and committee chairs, ensures that committees are active, calls executive meetings when needed, and is the spokesperson for CREAM. Most often the president runs the meetings and tries to do this in a neutral manner. Over time it has been the experience of CREAM that understanding and adopting parliamentary procedures is very helpful.

Vice-president: Supervises and/or communicates the scheduling of chores and herdspersons shifts (this includes tracking missed shifts and reporting them to the president, faculty advisors and the farm manager), fills in for the president in his/her absence, and assists the president as needed (most often with helping to set the agenda).

Secretary: Keeps the minutes of business meetings and distributes them to the class (in a timely manner) and is in charge of all correspondence.

Office Manager/Librarian: Maintains the CREAM Office, organizes all CREAM’s educational materials and recommends educational material to be used and new material or software to be purchased.

Schedulers: Another potential job for CREAM’ers may include schedulers. In this case, a group of CREAMers would be resposible for assigning  all CREAM shifts and weekend shifts on a weekly or biweekly basis, unless the class decides to create a subcommittee to share the responsibility. The Schedulers are responsible for posting the schedule and sharing it electronically, and making sure people know when they have to work in a timely manner. It is essential for the schedules to attempt to keep the amount of shifts equivalent between the CREAMers, including morning vs afternoon and weekday vs weekend shifts.

There are also many job opportunities in subcommittes, whether the CREAMer is the leader or a member of the committee. Subcommittees can be added throughout the year, and decide as a group how involved in the class they will be. Some examples of potential subcommittees are listed in a separate tab.

2023-2024 Elected CREAM Officers
Class President: Kayla Young
Class Vice President: Chris Roth
Class Secretary:  Alexis Longey
Class Office Manager: Will Coty