Dr. Matthias Winkel
Postdoctoral Scientist at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
I am a PostDoc in the Geomicrobiology section of the GFZ and worked for four years in the Young Investigator Group under the supervision of Susanne Liebner. I am working on deep permafrost thaw environments such as submarine permafrost, thermokarst lakes and try to understand the organic matter degradation and greenhouse gas production as well as the mitigation of the gases (anaerobic oxidation of methane). Since these environments are chronosequences that thaw over long timescales these are perfect examples of how the microbial community will evolve in a globally changing climate. I am also working on active layer microbial communities in permafrost-affected peatlands and the influence of hydrology due to climate warming. I mainly use molecular tools to characterize the microorganisms, analyse the biogeochemical background, use stable isotopes to understand specific processes and made my first steps into modelling.