Dr. Maggie C.Y. Lau
Professor at Chinese Academy of Sciences

I am a geomicrobiologist with strong interest in understanding what and how microorganisms do what they do under the extreme conditions, and elucidating their ecosystem-level impacts. My work on permafrost has been focusing on the investigation of high-affinity methanotrophy. These uncultivated methanotrophs are responsible for the observed methane uptake by mineral cryosols in the permafrost-affected region in Arctic and Antarctica. I use field-flux data, incubation experiments, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics to characterize both high-affinity methane oxidation rates and the processes. I also work with methane modelers and hope to better estimate the impact of high-affinity methanotrophy in the Arctic region. Currently I am looking into the near-complete draft genomes obtained for the two main lineages of high-affinity methanotrophs.