We are kicking off a full week celebration of New Hampshire Humanities in higher education May 9th-13th! Featuring student work from the University of New Hampshire as well as the Community College System of UNH, we will be posting, tweeting, and sharing on the UNH COLA social media streams, as well as community colleges. If you have ever wondered what the liberal arts really do, then follow UNH COLA and find out!
We'll also be featuring student work right here on the HUGEmanities website - so you can come here to see additional work that's too big to share anywhere else!

English 401H: Honors First-Year Writing with Professor Laura Smith

Members of English 401H: Honors First-Year Writing visited UNH's Milne Special Collections and Archives to analyze the Betty and Barney Hill Collection, including materials documenting the Hills’ reported abduction by aliens in 1961: typed manuscripts and magazine articles, black and white photographs, paintings, and hand-drawn star charts
Lucky Brand Jeans Internship Experience from UNH student Miranda Marks

Senior UNH Text, Business, and Digital Studies major Miranda Marks completed her internship with Lucky Brand Jeans this Semester. Her final presentation on this internship highlights the excellent skills that TBD majors take with them as they enter the workplace
"The Inequalities in American Education System" by Manchester Community College student, Bol Nakdimo with Professor Tom Dunn

Bol Nakdimo from Manchester Community College designed a Comic Strip in Professor Tom Dunn’s Philosophy 240M class – This comic illustrate the struggles and opportunities Bol has faced as low-income, and minority child facing instability both at home and at school. She hopes this comic can educate people on the experiences she has had both as a child, and a teen.
English 501: Intro. to Creative Nonfiction with Professor Melinda White

In English 501: Intro. to Creative Nonfiction with Professor Melinda White, projects convey connections in all sorts of ways and showcase an understanding of "born digital" multimodal composition. These are Digital Writing final presentations and workshop of the Multimodal/Hypertext essay on Connections.
"The Dental Chair Scare" Website and URC Presentation by UNH Advanced Technical and Professional Writing student Anya Bond

In UNH Advanced Technical and Professional Writing, Anya Bond produced a full website as well as presented her rhetorical research at the UNH Undergraduate Research Conference. Anya plans to become a dentist so she used this opportunity to address the unique subject of dental phobias!
"Mini-Dorms Commercial" by student Allison Musitano (UNH), Digital Literacies with Professor Alecia Magnifico

In UNH Advanced Technical and Professional Writing, Dani Corrigan designed a website centered on how to find happiness and wellness in your college years. HappyCampus offers research-based techniques on surviving and thriving at college!
"Capitolium" Capstone Project by UNH Classics, Humanities, and Italian Studies, student A.J. O'Neil, with Professor Scott Smith

UNH CHI Student A.J. O’Neil’s Capitolium Project reconstructs, with exacting precision, the central temple in Ostia, the port city of ancient Rome in order to create a powerful viewer experience through 3-D technology. Visitors to Ostia can see the partial ruins today, but with the power of technology, anyone anywhere on earth can see the full temple, its decorations, and its original context in the Ostia forum.
"Translations of the V-Scholia to Homer’s Odyssey " UNH Classics, Humanities, and Italian Studies, student Camden Roy with Professor Scott Smith

UNH CHI Student Camden Roy’s translations of the V-Scholia to Homer’s Odyssey (marginal notes akin to our footnotes or endnotes) focuses on the mythological narratives that are provided to explain and provide context to the original poem. They are the first systematic attempt to translate these stories, and you can find his presentation on his experience on the Greek Myth Lab blog

"The Legacy of Anne Hutchinson" Zine by Catie Moloney, British Literature I with Professor Emily Hinnov GBCC

Great Bay Community College English major Catie Moloney modified her Cultural Text project for British Literature to create a zine that explores the relationship between Milton’s Eve and Anne Hutchinson, who was tried for heresy in 1638 and then exiled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The zine format riffs on the early ‘90s Riot Grrl phenomenon
"Dante and Social Justice" Kaitlyn Beard, UNH ITAL:681 Ancient and Medieval Italy, with Professor Anna Marra

“Dante and Social Justice” is a project from UNH student Kaitlyn Beard which was produced as part of her Italian 681: Ancient and Medieval Italy class, with Professor Anna Marra. This class takes an interdisciplinary, but historically centered perspective Dante’s Divine Comedy as meditative text to explore the most basic truths about human nature
"Seacoast LGBT History Project Internship Presentation" by UNH student Kate Persson, from The Internship Experience with Professor Molly Campbell

UNH Text, Business, and Digital Studies major Kate Persson completed her internship with the Seacoast LGBT History Project. Her final presentation shows how scholars like Kate are working with local and national library systems to preserve the history of the LGBTQ community.
"Shakespeare from the Sofa" performed by Students studying Shakespeare with UNH Professor Doug Lanier
Professor Lanier's Shakespeare class produced several student performances of scenes from Shakespeare using smartphones, found settings, and student ingenuity. Here's an example - Henry V 1.2, in which King Henry resolves to go to war to claim the throne of France.
Communications Internship Presentations: Nashua Community College

At Nashua Community College, Communications graduates presented their internship portfolio to their peers, faculty, staff and guest internship partners. “I’m very proud of these three students” said Jennifer Tripp, Communication Program Coordinator
Communications Student: Amanda Goyette pictured here. Amanda Goyette interned with Manchester Radio Group, learning many aspects of broadcast radio such as sales, marketing, promotion/ad creation, and she even got on air a few times.
"Mini-Dorms Commercial" by student Allison Musitano (UNH), Digital Literacies with Professor Alecia Magnifico
This year Allison Musitano (UNH) used her project in Professor Alecia Magnifico’s Digital Literacies Class to
Celebrate the Mini Dorms. Stylistically based on infomercials from the late 2000s along with 1950s advertisements, she describes this video as “serving as both a lighthearted tribute to the dorms I’ve called home for 5 years and my love letter to such a weird and wonderful community.”

River Valley Community College, Composition Class with Professor Cara Chanoine
At River Valley Community College, students in Professor Cara Chanoine’s College Composition class have created a digital "reimagining" of a paper of their choice. These Portfolios include a summary, a reflection, and five pieces of relevant media. Projects have been compiled using Microsoft Sway.
The Covid Diaries, Community College System of New Hampshire

CCSNH students collected oral histories of living through the covid pandemic during 2020-2021. Inspired by the public radio's StoryCorps concept, the students explore the importance of creating an archive of the human experience of the COVID-19 pandemic as a historical record.
You can see this project and more on the Covid Diaries YouTube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVUqpSPJyRimANevVI-XC0tk-1liGN8As
UNH Theater and Dance Stage Combat with Professor Raina Ames!
Professor Raina Ames presents performances from UNH Theater and Dance Stage Combat!
Internship with Portsmouth Library, Student Erin Dawson from Great Bay Community College

Great Bay Community College Liberal Arts major Erin Dawson, worked on an internship at the Portsmouth Public Library for the “Internship in the Humanities” course to establish relationships with each of the international language discussion groups hosted by the library, helping them improve how they operate in the future.
English 501: Non-Fiction Writing with Professor Melinda White
English 501: Intro. to Creative Nonfiction, Digital Writing final presentations and workshop of the Multimodal/Hypertext essay on Connections. These projects convey connections in all sorts of ways and showcase an understanding of "born digital" multimodal composition.
English 623: Creative Non-Fiction with Professor Melinda White
Final presentations of the "space" essay for English 623: Creative (digital) Nonfiction. These essays portray the spaces we inhabit, our spaces in the world, both figuratively and literally--personal spaces, outdoor spaces, communal spaces, through branching narratives, 360 images, and beautiful original artwork.

The New Hampshire Humanities Collaborative (NHHC)

Since 2017, through generous funding from the Mellon Foundation,the New Hampshire Humanities Collaborativehas beenenabling students to pursue richer academic experiences in the arts and the humanities and to pursue more rewarding professional and civic lives. By empowering students as scholars, NHHC supports their development as effective participants in addressing the grand challenges of today and tomorrow.At the heart of this work is a close and deeply rewarding collaboration between students and faculty from the seven colleges of the CCSNH and the UNH College of Liberal Arts. Many of the students and projects featured this week have received support through this program.
The New Hampshire Humanities Collaborative (NHHC)

UNHGenetically engineered designer babies are a relatively new concept that the science community has been divided over since its conception. This project delves into the possible ethical, moral, medical, and social implications of designer babies, and whether they should become a reality. https://express.adobe.com/page/0iWagekdutMkV/
Completed in: ENGL 401, Professor Krista Jackman, Principal Lecturer, English Department
Find out more about "We Hold These Truths" at: https://mypages.unh.edu/hugemanities/we-hold-these-truths-2022
"AAPI Discrimination" by Sara Grace Barba. Presented at the “We Hold These Truths" NHHC Event

This awesome project from UNH student Sarah Grace Barba explores historical controversies to better understand the present. Part of the “We Hold the Truths” NHHC Event
Completed in: ENGL 401, Professor Krista Jackman, Principal Lecturer, English Department
Find out more about "We Hold These Truths" at: https://mypages.unh.edu/hugemanities/we-hold-these-truths-2022
"Come Back Home: Music, Dance, and Video Design as Methods of Relational Truth-Seeking" with students Emily Wozer, Emily Shafritz & Lily Neher. Professors Liese Zahabi and Kevin Healey.
Professors Kevin Healey and Liese Zahabi produced a series of music and dance videos as part of the We Hold These Truths" grant program. They worked with three UNH dance students: Emily Wozer, Emily Shafritz, and Lily Neher, who choreographed and performed in these pieces. Kevin Healey wrote all of the original music, and Liese Zahabi did the video design and animation.
Find out more about projects from the UNH department of Art with Professors like Liese Zahabi: https://mypages.unh.edu/hugemanities/art-department-exhibition
The Windows Magazine Club at Nashua Community College

The Windows Magazine Club at Nashua Community College produces a magazine of student writing and artwork every semester. This work is produced in a magazine for NCC Campus and Online for digital distribution. Windows Magazine Club also hosts a coffeehouse at the end of each semester to celebrate writing, art, and music. In 2019, Windows won the Campus Compact for NH President’s Leadership Award for “outstanding contributions to student engagement efforts.”
Photo by student: Susannah Meszynski
Melissa Sprague, New Hampshire Technical Institute (NHTI) and UNH Honors Program

Every year, hundreds of community college students transfer to UNH to complete their degrees, many of them to the College of Liberal Arts. Melissa Sprague completed three UNH Honors courses and an NHHC summer research project while still at NHTI. She will transfer to the UNH Honors program with much of her freshman and sophomore Honors work complete!