There are a large variety of events that all tie back to traditional skills utilized by lumberjacks and loggers in a typical days work. Each event has similar rules across the board, but a school hosting a meet has final say on rule adjustments. Some variations can be wood sizes, equipment allowed, specific tasks within an event, or imposed time penalties for not following the written rules of that meet. Click on an event to learn more about it!
The target is divided into five rings with scores of 5 points (bulls eye), 4, 3, 2, and 1. Scoring may vary by meet and school, but always the highest score is the center bulls eye. There are also many variation to how throws are structured for competitions. Common methods for competition throwing:
- Practice throws followed by three to five competition throws for scoring
- A set number of throws, typically five, where the best three are counted
- As part of obstacle course, a quick throw where the axe must 'stick' and time is important
There is a constant form for setting the target, regardless of the meet or school. The center of the target is 5’ off the ground and the competitor stands 20’ from the target. Highest score wins, and throw-offs decide ties.