Awarded Projects
The UNH Arctic Interdisciplinary effort has received a 2018 CoRE Initiative grant to propel the collective vision of the UNH Strategy for Arctic Research and Scholarship into action. The University of New Hampshire aspires to address the emerging question, “What do changes in the Arctic mean for human communities?” We will build upon existing UNH research strengths to develop and submit a set of large convergent research proposals related to two broad themes: 1) Arctic Feedbacks: Humans, the Water Cycle, and Carbon Cycles and 2) Where People Live: Land-Coastal Connections. Recently the National Science Foundation designated Navigating the New Arctic (NNA) as one of the 10 Big Ideas for Future NSF Investments for the coming decades, with Arctic change identified as one of six research areas requiring a convergent approach to address critical societal challenges. The University of New Hampshire, with decades of experience in the Arctic and having recently convened an NSF-sponsored workshop on Preparing for a Northwest Passage: The Role of New England in Navigating the New Arctic, is poised to become a national leader in Arctic research and scholarship. The vision is to build a more vibrant and interdisciplinary network of Arctic researchers at UNH and increase UNH visibility within the national Arctic dialogue.
NSF NNA Community Office
Proposals due 10 June 2020
Proposal Deadline: 5:00 P.M. on Friday, April 3, 2020
NSF - Arctic Research Opportunities: Arctic Natural Science, Arctic Social Science, Arctic Systems Science, Arctic Observing Network
Proposals accepted anytime
NSF NNA Convergence: "Preparing for a Northwest Passage: A Workshop on the Role of New England in Navigating the New Arctic"(NSF #1744346)
During this event, participants assessed economic, environmental, and social impacts of Arctic change on New England and established convergence research initiatives to prepare for, adapt to, and respond to these effects. Shipping routes through an ice-free Northwest Passage in combination with modifications to ocean circulation and regional climate patterns linked to Arctic ice melt will affect trade, fisheries, tourism, coastal ecology, air and water quality, animal migration, and demographics not only in the Arctic but also in lower latitude coastal regions such as New England. With profound changes on the horizon, this is a critical opportunity for New England to prepare for uncertain yet inevitable economic and environmental impacts of Arctic change.
The UNH Arctic Interdisciplinary Working Group formed to promote interdisciplinary Arctic research and scholarship across the university, responding to new programs such as NSF’s Navigating the New Arctic. The working group hosted a series of UNH Arctic Seminars, bringing internationally renowned Arctic experts to share visions of the crucial research needed to prepare for Arctic change. This series culminated in a UNH Arctic Day, where faculty, staff, and students converged to develop a UNH Strategy for Arctic Research and Scholarship” centering around the question, “What do changes in the Arctic mean for human communities?” and focusing on two themes: 1. Arctic Feedback, the Water Cycle, and the Carbon Cycle and 2. Where People Live: Land-Coast Connection. The group expanded this work to a regional level through a grant to host, “NSF Convergence NNA: Preparing for a Northwest Passage: A Workshop on the Role of New England in Navigating the New Arctic.” This workshop launched a network of over 100 researchers, stakeholders, and community leaders with a goals of assessing the economic, environmental, and social links between Arctic change and New England and identifying transformational convergence research initiatives to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to future impacts and opportunities.
Proposal Deadline: 5:00 P.M. on Friday, April 3, 2020
NSF - Arctic Research Opportunities: Arctic Natural Science, Arctic Social Science, Arctic Systems Science, Arctic Observing Network
Proposals accepted anytime
NSF NRT Connecting Arctic Research Perspectives and Education (CARPE) (PI Ruth Varner) - submitted Feb 6, 2019
NSF NRT Connecting Arctic Research Perspectives and Education (CARPE) (PI Ruth Varner) - submitted Feb 2, 2018
NSF NNA: RCN: Establishing a North Atlantic Arctic Network (NAAN) (PI C. Wake ) - submitted May 1, 2018
NSF NNA: Teleconnections influencing weather fluctuations, seasonal extent, and local knowledge between the Arctic and New England (PI - K. Duderstadt) - submitted May 1, 2018
North Pacific Composite Ice Core Record of Wildfire - Climate Relationships over the past Millennium NSF OPP ANS – P.I. C. Wake
Current and future impacts of light absorbing impurities on the Greenland ice sheet NSF OPP ARCSS – P.I. J. Dibb
IMPAACT: Investigation of multiscale processes affecting atmospheric chemical transport NASA EV S3 - P.I. J. Dibb
Northern Ecosystems Research for Undergraduates (NERU) NSF REU Site – P.I. R. Varner
NNA: Navigating uncertainties in the permafrost carbon climate feedback: exploring emerging trajectories of change in the New Arctic NSF OPP - P.I. J. Ernakovich
Arctic Land Ocean Interactions NASA EVS3 – P.I. J. Salisbury
Oil Spill Modeling for Improved Response to Arctic Maritime Spills: The Path Forward - ADAC - P.I. Nancy Kinner
NSF Navigating the New Arctic - March 4, 2019
NSF NNA Track 1: ArcticSTAR -- P.I. Alex Shiklomanov (UNH)
NSF NNA Track 1: Collaborative Research: Science Diplomacy - Navigating the New Arctic Across Generations -- PI Paul Berkman (Tufts)
(Collaborative UNH- PI Jack Dibb, co-I Katharine Duderstadt, co-I Alex Shiklomanov)
NSF NNA Track 2: Designing an International Research and Learning Exchange Climate Adaptation Testbed of Coastal Communities - P.I. Terry Shehata (USM)(Co-I Jennifer Brewer UNH)
NSF NNA Track 2: Planning for an Emergency Response Data Management System of Systems for the Baffin Bay Region (P.I. Nancy Kinner UNH)
NSF AccelNet: Linking Arctic Change to Eastern North America- P.I. Jack Dibb
NSF NRT Connecting Arctic Research Perspectives and Education (CARPE) (PI Ruth Varner) - submitted Feb 6, 2019
NH SeaGrant: Financing Climate Solutions: Hazards and Opportunities in Coastal New Hampshire -(PI Jennifer Brewer) submitted Feb 22, 2019
NSF MSRI - ATACOM - P.I. Jennifer Miksis-Olds - Feb 19, 2019
NSF MSRI - ROAM - P.I. Jack Dibb - Feb 19, 2019 (Encouraged, Full proposal submitted)
NSF Navigating the New Arctic - March 4, 2019
NSF NNA Track 1: ArcticSTAR -- P.I. Alex Shiklomanov (UNH)
NSF NNA Track 1: Collaborative Research: Science Diplomacy - Navigating the New Arctic Across Generations -- PI Paul Berkman (Tufts)
(Collaborative UNH- PI Jack Dibb, co-I Katharine Duderstadt, co-I Alex Shiklomanov)
NSF NNA Track 2: Designing an International Research and Learning Exchange Climate Adaptation Testbed of Coastal Communities - P.I. Terry Shehata (USM)(Co-I Jennifer Brewer UNH)
NSF NNA Track 2: Planning for an Emergency Response Data Management System of Systems for the Baffin Bay Region (P.I. Nancy Kinner UNH)
NSF AccelNet: Linking Arctic Change to Eastern North America- P.I. Jack Dibb
NSF NRT Connecting Arctic Research Perspectives and Education (CARPE) (PI Ruth Varner) - submitted Feb 6, 2019
NH SeaGrant: Financing Climate Solutions: Hazards and Opportunities in Coastal New Hampshire -(PI Jennifer Brewer) submitted Feb 22, 2019
NSF MSRI - ATACOM - P.I. Jennifer Miksis-Olds - Feb 19, 2019
NSF MSRI - ROAM - P.I. Jack Dibb - Feb 19, 2019 (Encouraged, Full proposal submitted)
NSF Convergence NNA: Preparing for a Northwest Passage: A Workshop of the Role of New England in Navigating the New Arctic -- (P.I. Katharine Duderstadt)
A 2018 CoRE Initiative Large Proposal Development grant "Implementing a UNH Strategy for Arctic Research and Scholarship" has been awarded to continue this effort. (Click here for more information)
NSF FRA: Peat expansion in Arctic tundra -- Pattern, process, and the implication for the carbon cycle (TundraPEAT) Zicheng Yu, Lehigh University; Philip Camill, Bowdoin College; Steve Frolking, University New Hampshire; Qianlai Zhuang, Purdue University; Julie Loisel, Texas A&M
(related) NSF ECA: A lengthening vernal window: How vernal asynchronies in energy, water, and carbon fluxes impact ecosystem function Elizabeth Burakowski, University of New Hampshire
Oil Spill Modeling for Improved Response to Arctic Maritime Spills: The Path Forward - ADAC - P.I. Nancy Kinner
NASA ABOVE - Dynamic Modeling of Ecosystem Processes and Services in North American Boreal Forests within the ABOVE Study Region- P.I. David Lutz (Dartmouth), co-I Michael Palace (UNH)
NSF ASSP/OPP - Arctic Village Dynamics: Longitudinal Study of Population, Environment, and Community Change in Alaska - P.I. Lawrence Hamilton
NSF CoPE - Workshop Anticipating Economic Growth of Northern New England Coastal Communities - P.I. Terry Shehata (USM) -- UNH co-I's Jennifer Brewer, Katharine Duderstadt)
NSF AON Collaborative Research: AON: The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory (ArcticGRO) - UNH P.I. Alexander Shiklomanov,
NSF ARCSS Collaborative Research: Fresh water and heat fluxes to the Arctic Ocean modeled with tree-ring proxies - with University of Arizona, UNH P.I. Alexander Shiklomanov, co-I Richard Lammers
University of Stockholm Visiting Researcher Grant (6 month), Understanding the impact of the warming Arctic: linking biogeochemical and microbial measurements with hydrological models to scale methane emissions from lakes - P.I. Ruth Varner (Congratulations, Ruth!!!)
Internal UNH Funding
- CoRE -- Collaborative Research Excellence Initiative
- UCIRC Pilot Studies -- RFP document
- MIST -- Murkland Interdisciplinary Scholar Teams
- UNH Sustainability Fellows Program
- Other opportunities
Student / Early Career Opportunities
ASIAQ Field Course Announced - Tarfala Research Station.
June 29 -July 3, 2020
Applications are due by March 8th
Open to UNH students
Nunataryuk-APECS-T-MOSAiC School 2020
Abisko Scientific Research Station (Abisko, Sweden)
21 - 30 April 2020.
Early career researchers and PhD students
Applications due 31 October 2019
Fulbright - Greenland (Nuuk) - New
4 months English teaching
New Solicitations
NSF Signals in the Soil (SitS) 20 May 2020
Past Student / Early Career Opportunities
Applications due February 16th
Online Webinars and Presentations 3 February 2019
NOMPEL Joint Nordic Master Programme in Environmental Law Uppsala University in Sweden, Apply by January 15, 2019
University of Florida Water Institute Graduate Fellows Program Apply by January 16, 2019
Dear Colleague Letter: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity CISE-OCA, MPS, OIA-EPSCoR
NRC Research Associateship Programs (RAP) Deadlines: Feb 1, May 1, Aug 1, Nov 1
The Polaris Project Applications due January 14, 2019
Hokkaido University Summer School on Arctic Studies 2019 Application deadline is February 28, 2019
Past Solicitations
NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Research Opportunities Related to Coastlines and People (CoPe)
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
Resilience in Rapidly Changing Arctic Systems, proposals close June 14, 2019.
Full Proposal: May 17, 2019
Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI): Elements and Framework Implementations Full Proposal Deadline(s):
Preliminary proposals - January 28, 2019
ONR Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship (for tenured or tenure-equivalent university PIs)
$3m over 5 years range - ideal for unique observing campaign or a big data effort
Information Webinar - Webinar - July 10, 2 PM EDT July 10, 2018
White Papers deadline: August 17, 2018
Full proposal deadline: January 18, 2019
CubeSat sensors for investigating littoral ocean & atmosphere dynamics
Sustained observations of marine biodiversity for improved understanding of marine ecosystem responses to changing environmental conditions
Advanced sensor technology
Autonomous profiling floats for investigating tropical pacific biogeochemistry
Improve arctic operational forecasts
Arctic Observing System simulation experiments using year of polar prediction data (Arctic OSSE)
New approaches for data assimilation to improve operational ocean prediction
Autonomous mapping
Field Research Opportunity Available: Transnational/Remote Access to Research Stations (INTERACT)
Enabling Quantum Leap: Convergent Accelerated Discovery Foundries for Quantum Materials Science, Engineering and Information (Q-AMASE-i) -- LOI September 17, 2018, Full Proposal November 5, 2018
Climate Program Office FY 2019 Announcement -- LOIs Deadline: September 10, 2018 | Full Proposals Deadline: November 20, 2018
"NSF 2026 Idea Machine" -- proposing the next Big Ideas for future investment
Dear Colleague Letter: Support for Engaging Students and the Public in Polar Research
Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12), deadline of November 14, 2018.
Improving Undergraduate Science Education: Education and Human Resources (IUSE:EHR), solicitation for the 2019 fiscal year (deadlines vary).
(If interested, please contact Jeanne Sokolowski Director, Office of National Fellowships)
- CubeSat sensors for investigating littoral ocean & atmosphere dynamics
- Sustained observations of marine biodiversity for improved understanding of marine ecosystem responses to changing environmental conditions
Sept 30, 2018
Polar Geospatial Center, National Science Foundation
21-22 May 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2018 Arctic Science Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
9-13 October 2018, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2018
Register May 15th
May 29, 2018
Enabling US Early Career Researchers to Advance Polar Science using High Performance Computing and Earth System Modeling
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) - Inviting Study Ideas for FY 2019
NSF - Request for Information on Mid-scale Research Infrastructure
NSF - Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Letter of Intent – December; Full Proposals - February 6, 2018
NSF International Research Experience for students (IRES)
Track I: IRES Sites (IS) -- September 11, 2018
Track II: Advanced Studies Institutes (ASI) -- September 18, 2018
Track III: New Concepts in International Graduate Experience (IGE) -- September 25, 2018
NSF Dear Colleague Letter: ENG/CMMI Call for NSF Big Ideas Proposals
September and January
NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Provision of Capabilities for Storing, Curating, and Managing Scientific Ice Cores for the NSF Research Community February 15, 2018
NSF Early Career Scientist Application to attend Arctic System Change Workshop, April 9-12, 2018 at the NCAR Mesa Lab in Boulder, CO due January 14, 2018
NSF - Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) October 20, 2017 (annually)
NSF - EarthCube March 14, 2017 (annually)
NSF - Documenting Endangered Languages September 15, 2018 (annually)
NSF - Improving Undergraduate STEM Education
Development and Implementation Tier -- December 12, 2017 (annually)
Exploration and Design Tier -- Proposals accepted anytime
NSF - Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) November 6, 2017
NSF - Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) Preliminary Proposals – September; Full Proposals - April
National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), Office of Naval Research (ONR) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA #N00014-17-S-B016)Annual solicitation
ONR -- Young Investigator Program September
ONR -- Vannevar Bush Inquiries – July; White papers – August; Proposals – January
ONR -- Multidisciplinary University Research Initiatives (MURI) Program White papers – July; Full Proposals November
NASA Grad Student Fellowships Due Feb 1, 2018
NASA Fellowship Activity Solicitation (graduate students) Mar 20, 2018
DOE -- Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Pre-application – December Full proposal – February
DOE - Environmental System Science Pre-application – December. Full proposal – March