
Sheila McNamee, Ph.D. is Professor Emerita of Communication at the University of New Hampshire and co-founder and Vice President of the Taos Institute ( Professor McNamee has held Visiting Professorships at City University (Hong Kong), Utrecht University (The Netherlands), the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), and the University of Parma (Italy). She was Professor of Culture Studies at Tilburg University from 2013-2016. Her work is focused on dialogic transformation within a variety of social and institutional contexts including psychotherapy, organizations, and communities. Among her most recent books are Practicing Therapy as Social Construction (with E. Rasera & P. Martins, Sage 2022), Design Thinking and Social Construction (with C. Camargo-Borges, BIS, 2022), Research and Social Change: A Relational Constructionist Approach (with D. M. Hosking, Routledge, 2012), Relational Responsibility:  Resources for Sustainable Dialogue (with K. Gergen, Sage, 1999), and Education as Social Construction:  Contributions to Theory, Research, and Practice, co-edited with T. Dragonas, K. Gergen, E. Tseliou (Taos WorldShare, 2015).  Professor McNamee has written extensively about alternative visions of social research.

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