Robin Alden
Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries (Retired)


Robin Alden has dedicated her career to linking ecological knowledge of fishermen with marine science and effective fisheries policy. She retired in January 2018 from Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries (MCCF) in Stonington, Maine where she was Founding Executive Director. Founded in 2003, its mission is to secure a sustainable future for fisheries and fishing communities in Eastern Maine and beyond. Alden served as Maine Commissioner of Marine Resources under Governor Angus King, where she initiated the Maine lobster zones, an example of fisheries co-management. She also founded, published, and edited the regional trade fishing newspaper, Commercial Fisheries News for 20 years. She cofounded the Maine Fisherman’s Forum, served two terms on the New England Fishery Management Council, and worked with Maine Sea Grant. In 2017, Alden received the Peter Benchley Hero of the Seas award for her grassroots work integrating fishermen’s knowledge into science and policy and in 2016, was honored as a White House Champion of Change for Sustainable Seafood. She is a 1998 Gulf of Maine Visionary Award recipient. She holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Maine.

MCCF webpage

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