Mairi Poisson
MS Student


I received my B.A. in Biology and Spanish from Dickinson College in 2016, where I studied American toads and their impacts on pest insect populations in an agricultural setting. After graduating, I spent four years working as a field research scientist with various conservation detection dog groups. Most of this work focused on non-invasive detection of rare, elusive, and endangered species across the western United States. In 2021, I joined the WMML as a master's student and teaching assistant, with a research focus on the impacts of human development in exurban areas on wildlife species. I was also a teaching assistant for two courses: Wildlife Conservation, and Principles of Sustainability.

My PhD research at UNH focuses broadly on the concept of landscape connectivity, how barriers to wildlife movement impact populations and individuals. I endeavor to develop research projects that are useful to and informative for local communities, state agencies, and other researchers around wildlife habitat use and mitigating impacts of human development.

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