Selected Publications

Books and Reviews

  1. C. Back, et. al. 2020 Skyrmion RoadmapJournal of Physics D (2020)
  2. J. Zang, V. Cros, A. Hoffmann, Topology in MagnetismSpringer ISBN 978-3- 319-97334-0 (2018)
  3. W. Jiang, G. Chen, K. Liu, J. Zang, S. G. E. te Velthuis, and A. Hoffmann, Skyrmions in Magnetic MultilayersPhysics Report, 704, 1 (2017).


  1. J. Zang, and J. Yu, Giant Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy In Fe/GaN Thin Films For Data Storage And Memory Devices, US Provisional Patent No. 62/589,399.
  2. J. Zang, C. Chien, Y. Li, R. Lake, and G. Yin, Skyrmion based universal memory operated by electric current, US Patent 9,773,540.

Peer-reviewed Papers

  1. Y. Liu, W. T. Hou, X. F. Han, and J. Zang, Three-dimensional dynamics of magnetic hopfion driven by spin transfer torquePhys. Rev. Lett. 124, 127204 (2020).
  2. Z. Li, et. al., Reversible manipulation of the magnetic state in SrRuO3 through electric-field controlled proton evolution, Nature Communications 11, 1 (2020).
  3. J. Jiang, et. al., Concurrence of quantum anomalous Hall and topological Hall effects in magnetic topological insulator sandwich heterostructures, Nature Materials (2020)
  4. G. Yin, J. X. Yu, Y. Liu, R. K. Lake, J. Zang, K. L. Wang, Planar Hall effect in antiferromagnetic MnTe thin films, arXiv: 1805.12200Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (10), 106602 (2019).
  5. Y. Liu, R. Lake, and J. Zang, Braiding a hopfion in a chiral magnet nanodiskPhys. Rev. B 98, 174437 (2018).
  6. J. X. Yu and J. Zang, Giant perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Fe/III-V nitride thin filmsScience Advances 4, ee7814 (2018).
  7. W. T. Hou, J. X. Yu, M. Daly, and J. Zang, Thermally driven topology in chiral magnetsPhys. Rev. B (R) 96, 140403 (2017).
  8. F. Zheng, et. al., Direct imaging of zero-field target skyrmion and its polarity switch in chiral magnetic nanodiskPhys. Rev. Lett. 119, 197205 (2017).
  9. H. Du, et. al., Electrical probing of field-driven cascading quantized transitions of skyrmion cluster states in MnSi nanowiresNature Communications 6, 7637 (2015).
  10. H. Du, et. al., Edge-mediated skyrmion chain and its collective dynamics in a confined geometryNature Communications 6, 8504 (2015).
  11. J. S. White, et. al., Electric field-induced Skyrmion distortion and lattice rotation in the magnetoelectric insulator Cu2OSeO3Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 107203 (2014).
  12. M. Mochizuki, X. Z. Yu, S. Seki, N. Kanazawa, W. Koshibae, J. Zang, M. Mostovoy, Y. Tokura, and N. Nagaosa, Thermally driven ratchet motion of a skyrmion microcrystal and topological magnon Hall effectNature Materials 13, 241 (2014).
  13. Lingyao Kong, and J. Zang, Dynamics of insulating skyrmion under temperature gradientPhys. Rev. Lett. 111, 067203 (2013).
  14. J. Zang, M. Mostovoy, J. H. Han, and N. Nagaosa, Dynamics of skyrmion crystal in metallic thin filmsPhys. Rev. Lett. 107, 136804 (2011).
  15. X. L. Qi, R. Li, J. Zang, and S. C. Zhang, Seeing the magnetic monopole through the mirror of topological surface statesScience 323, 1184 (2009).
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