Lukas Bernhardt
Laboratory Manager


Lukas Bernhardt gained his undergraduate degree from West Chester University in December 2015.  During his senior year he was able to work under the guidance of Dr. Jessica Schedlbauer on an independent project titled, "Soil analysis of Delaware hayfields: implications for reforestation".  Conducting this research gave Lukas a wide understanding of the many chemical and structural properties of soils but lacked in the counterpart to those, the biological components of soil.  In the three year interim between programs, Lukas hiked the Appalachian trail and developed a passion for hiking.  He also worked on two small organic farms that are at the forefront of sustainable farming practices.  They implore a method of land management known as no-till and both adhere to practices that stretch beyond standard organic practices.  Merging his past in soils and his new found love of sustainable food and soils, Lukas applied and was accepted to the Ernakovich lab in the Natural Resources and the Environment department at UNH.  While here, he will be working on a project titled "The functional significance of the soil microbiome in New Hampshire’s agriculture: harnessing the power of genomics and ecological theory", while developing his own thesis work.  This project will help to bridge the gaps in our knowledge between how land use practices in agriculture affect the soil micro biome, focusing on key organisms and what role they play in maintaining healthy and productive soils. 


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