
I am a newly-minted associate professor at UNH. My research interests lie in how microbial communities and soil chemistry interact to affect ecosystem function. I did a postdoc at CSIRO in Adelaide, Australia (with Drs. Mark Farrell, Jeff Baldock, and Jon Sanderman (now at the Woodwell Climate Center)) where I learned new tools and tricks using stable isotopes to answer ecological questions. During my Ph.D. at Colorado State University (with Drs. Matt Wallenstein (primary) and Ken Reardon (secondary)), I got the opportunity to explore the ecology of microorganisms in the Arctic in summer and winter, and fell in love with the system.

Our lab has some exciting new and newish funding to explore the microbial ecology of permafrost (NSF CAREER 2144961), plant-microbe-soil feedbacks in thawing permafrost landscapes (NSF 2031253), and how to harness microbes to understand soil organic matter in agricultural systems (NH Ag Experiment Station). We are also part of the EMERGE Biology Integration Institute (NSF 2022070), and play a leading role in the science area "Interactions to Assembly." In addition, we are fortunate to be part of two educational initiatives at UNH to train students to be inclusive and integrative Arctic system scientists: ICE-TALKS for undergraduate and graduate summer international research experiences (NSF 2107214) and Convergent Arctic Research Perspectives and Education (CARPE) for graduate traineeships (NSF 2125868).


Jessica Ernakovich
Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH USA
Phone:  +1 (603) 862-2216  Skype: Jessica.Ernakovich
Ph.D. Ecology
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO USA
Major Advisor: Matthew Wallenstein
Committee: Ken Reardon, Rich Conant and Mary Stromberger
Dissertation: Vulnerability of permafrost carbon to decomposition after thaw: chemical and microbial controls
B.S. Chemistry (Cum Laude)
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Major Advisor: Jan Simek
Thesis: Novel formation of the glycosidic bond in custom nucleotide synthesis
Research and Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2017-present
Affiliate Faculty, Hubbard Center for Genome Studies, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2017-present
Affiliate Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, 2017-present
Postdoctoral Fellow, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, 2014-2017
National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Fellow, Colorado State University, 2009 & 2012- 2014
Designer and instructor, Skills for Undergraduate Participation in Ecological Research (SUPER) Program, Colorado State University, 2012-2013
Communication Fellow, Sustainability Leadership Fellow Program, School of Global and Environmental Sustainability, Colorado State University 2012-2013
Department of Energy (DOE) Research Fellow, Colorado State University, 2010-2011
Graduate Research Assistant, Colorado State University, 2007-2009
Grants and Awards
Travel Grant, US Permafrost Association (for AGU 2013) ($500)
Travel Grant, Colorado State University Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory & US Permafrost Association (for AGU 2012) ($1,000)
Grant, NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG), “Dissertation Research: Is organic matter chemistry or temperature a stronger driver of microbial community structure in permafrost soil?” 2012-2014 ($15,000)
Fellowship, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP), “Vulnerability of thawed permafrost to decomposition under in situ Arctic conditions,” 2009-2014 ($124,000)
Travel Grant, US Permafrost Association, Permafrost Young Researchers Network, & Colorado State University Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (for attendance of 10th International Conference on Permafrost, Salekhard, Russia 2012) ($5,000)
Fellowship, DOE Global Change Education Program (GCEP), “Vulnerability of thawed permafrost to decomposition under in situ Arctic conditions,” 2009-2012 ($84,000; declined $28,000)
Grant, “Development of an undergraduate mentoring plan at NREL,” Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory Program Development, 2011 and 2012 (renewal) ($10,000 total)
Scholarship, Francis Clark Soil Biology Scholarship, Colorado State University, 2008 ($2,500)
Fellowship, President’s Award for Research and Scholarly Excellence, Colorado State University, 2007-2008 ($10,000)
Outstanding Graduate Student, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU, 2008
Cum Laude Graduate, California Polytechnic State University, 2002
Undergraduate Award, American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry, 2000
Analytical Chemist Award, California Polytechnic State University Chemistry Department, 2000
Member, Golden Key International Honour Society, 1999
Scholarship, William B. Turner Scholarship, California Polytechnic State University, 1997

Peer-reviewed Publications
Ernakovich, J. G., Lynch, L. M., Brewer, P. E., Calderón, F. J., & Wallenstein, M. D. (2017). Redox and temperature-sensitive changes in microbial communities and soil chemistry dictate greenhouse gas loss from thawed permafrost. Biogeochemistry, 1–18.
Eldor, P.A., Haddix, M.L., Morris, S.J., Magrini-Bair, K., Evans, R.J. Calderón, F.J., Ernakovich, J.G., Mellor, N. (in review). Soil organic matter changes more with depth than with mean annual temperature or cultivation. Soil Science Society of America Journal.
Ernakovich, J. G., Evans, T. A., Macdonald, B., & Farrell, M. (2016). The effect of ecosystem engineers on N cycling in an arid agroecosystem. Proceedings of the International Nitrogen Initiative Conference, Solutions to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency for the World, 4–8.
Schädel, C., Bader, M. K. F., Schuur, E. A. G., Biasi, C., Bracho, R., Čapek, P., DeBaets, S., Diáková, K., Ernakovich, J., et al. (2016) Potential carbon emissions dominated by carbon dioxide from thawed permafrost soils. Nature Climate Change, 1–5.
Ernakovich, J.G., M.D. Wallenstein, and F.J. Calderón. (2015) Chemical indicators of cryoturbation and microbial processing throughout an Alaskan permafrost soil depth profile. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79 (3), 783-793. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2014.10.0420.
Ernakovich, J.G. and M.D. Wallenstein. (2015) Permafrost microbial community traits and functional diversity indicate low activity at in situ thaw temperatures. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 87 pp. 78-89. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.04.009
Treat, C., S. Natali, J. Ernakovich, C. et al. (2015) A pan-Arctic synthesis of CH4 and CO2 production from anoxic soil incubations. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12875
Ernakovich, J. G., Hopping, K. A., Berdanier, A. B., Simpson, R. T., Kachergis, E. J., Steltzer, H., & Wallenstein, M. D. (2014) Predicted responses of arctic and alpine ecosystems to altered seasonality under climate change. Global Change Biology. doi:10.1111/gcb.12568
Wallenstein, M., S. Allison, J. Ernakovich, J. M. Steinweg, and R. Sinsabaugh. (2010) Controls on the temperature sensitivity of soil enzymes: A key driver of in-situ enzyme activity rates. pp. 245-258 in G. C. Shukla and A. Varma, editors. Soil Enzymology. Springer-Verlag.

Publications in active preparation
Margenot, A., Lynch, L., Calderón, F.J., and Ernakovich, J.G. Permafrost thaw results in changes in soil organic matter chemistry that depend on redox and temperature. In prep for the Soil Science Society of Americal Journal.
Shaw, J.L.A, Ernakovich, J., Judy, J., Farrell, M., Whatmuff, M., and Kirby, J. Effects of long-term, decadal copper exposure to soil functionality and microbial community structure at a controlled, experimental field site. In prep for the International Society for Microbial Ecology.
Schädel, C., J.G. Ernakovich, J. Harden, et al. Strategizing a comprehensive laboratory protocol to determine the decomposability of organic matter in permafrost soil. In prep for Earth System Science Data.
Lavallee, J., Ernakovich, J.G., R. Boone, and C. Boot. Implementing research-based undergraduate experiences at research focused universities. In prep.
Ernakovich, J.G., A. Koyama, J. Rocca and M.D. Wallenstein. Historical community legacy and environmental filtering structure the permafrost microbial community from Sagwon Hills, Alaska. In prep for International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal.
Boot, C.M., A. Koyama, J. Ernakovich, K. Buckeridge, S. Schaeffer, J. Schimel, M. Wallenstein. Effects of freeze and thaw in arctic ecosystems: dynamic response of microbial community composition and biogeochemical pools in Alaskan tundra. In prep for Frontiers in Terrestrial Microbiology (invited, special issue).
Evans, S.E., P.E. Brewer, J.G. Ernakovich, J.M. Steinweg and J.C. von Fischer. Anoxic microsites in upland ecosystems: a review of evidence and implications for nutrient dynamics, trace gas flux, carbon storage, and biodiversity. In prep for Ecosystems.

Annotated and Stored Datasets
Ernakovich, J.G. (2017) Permafrost thaw 16S rRNA OTU tables. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5477206.
Ernakovich, J.G., J. Schimel and M.D. Wallenstein. (2014, Last updated 2014-07-14). Soil chemistry and characteristics measured for incubation of microbial communities in permafrost. UCAR/NCAR – CISL – ACADIS. Dataset.

Oral Presentations (* indicates invited)
Ernakovich, J.G., Baldock, C. Creamer, M. Farrell, J. Sanderman. 2016. The role of soil biodiversity in soil carbon stabilization. New Zealand Australia Soil Science Society Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand & SOMMic: Microbial Contribution and Impact on Soil Organic Matter, Structure and Genesis, Leipzig, Germany.
Boot, C.M., A. Koyama, K. Buckeridge, S.M. Schaeffer, J.G. Ernakovich, J. Schimel and M. Wallenstein. 2015. Microbial community dynamics and relationship with biogeochemical cycling across seasons in Arctic tundra. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Schädel, C., M. Bader, E. Schuur, R. Bracho, P. Capek, S. De Baets, K. Diakova, J. Ernakovich, et al. 2015. Changing environmental controls affect the strength of the permafrost carbon feedback. Our common future under climate change, Paris, France.
Ernakovich, J.G., R. Boone, C. Boot, K. Denef, J. Lavallee, J. Moore, and M. Wallenstein. 2014. The SUPER program: A research-based undergraduate experience. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Schädel, C., M. Bader, E.A. Schuur, J. Ernakovich et al. 2014. Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on carbon release from permafrost-affected soils. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Ernakovich, J.G. 2014. The vulnerability of permafrost carbon to decomposition after thaw: exploring chemical and microbial controls. CSIRO seminar series.
Ernakovich, J.G., L. Lynch and M.D. Wallenstein. 2013. The temperature sensitivity of microbial respiration after permafrost thaw under oxic and anoxic conditions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Treat, C., S. Natali, J. Ernakovich et al. 2013. A pan-Arctic synthesis of CH4 and CO2 production from anoxic soil incubations. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Ernakovich, J.G., K.A. Hopping, A.B. Berdanier, R.T. Simpson, E.J. Kachergis, H. Steltzer and M.D. Wallenstein. 2012. Responses of arctic and alpine ecosystems to altered seasonality under climate change. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Ernakovich, J.G.,and M.D. Wallenstein. 2012. The relationship between
taxonomic and functional diversity for permafrost and active layer Arctic microbial communities: implications for decomposition in response to warming. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Ernakovich, J.G., F.J. Calderon and M.D. Wallenstein. 2012. Microbial community traits: evidence that permafrost and active layer microbial traits have different abiotic drivers. Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, Salekhard, Russia.
Ernakovich, J.G., F.J. Calderon and M.D. Wallenstein. 2011. Assessing the vulnerability of permafrost carbon stocks:  the importance of considering soil organic carbon chemistry and microbial community traits. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
*Ernakovich, J.G., S. Berg, K.F. Reardon and M.D. Wallenstein. 2009. A comparison of active-layer and permafrost microbial community responses to freeze-thaw stress: can microbes adapt to changing climates? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
Steinweg, J.M., J.G. Ernakovich, J. Prucha, R.T. Conant, M.D. Wallenstein. 2008. Soil microbial temperature acclimation through changes in enzyme activity.  Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI.

Oral Presentations ( indicates presenter was an undergraduate working with me)
Ernakovich, J. G., Evans, T. A., Macdonald, B., & Farrell, M. 2016. The effect of ecosystem engineers on N cycling in an arid agroecosystem. 7th International Nitrogen Initiative Conference, Solutions to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency for the World, Melbourne, Australia.
Ernakovich, J.G., J. Baldock, C. Creamer, M. Farrell, J. Sanderman. 2015. The role of soil biodiversity in soil carbon stabilization. The 5th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Göttingen, Germany.
Ernakovich, J.G., J. Baldock, C. Creamer, M. Farrell, J. Sanderman. 2015. The role of soil biodiversity in soil carbon stabilization. 13th Austral-Asian Environmental Isotope Conference (hosted by ANSTO), Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Ernakovich, J.G., L. Lynch, F. Calderon, P. Brewer and M.D. Wallenstein. 2014. Unraveling the complex drivers of CO2 and CH4 flux in permafrost soils. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Freeman, C., M.D. Wallenstein and J.G. Ernakovich. 2014. Temperature and carbon chemistry interact to shape the composition of the microbial community in permafrost soils. Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Fort Collins, CO.
Paul T., M.D. Wallenstein, C.M. Boot and J.G. Ernakovich. 2013. Microbial DNA extraction: the best lysis and extraction method. Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity, Fort Collins, CO.
Ernakovich J.G., M.D. Wallenstein and F.J. Calderon. 2012. The Chemical Properties of Alaskan Permafrost and Seasonally Thawed Soils. Long Term Ecological Research All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, CO.
Ernakovich J.G. and M.D. Wallenstein. 2012. The effect of temperature and soil properties on microbial growth yield efficiency in a cold-adapted system. NSF RCN Enzymes in the Environment workshop, Fort Collins, CO.
Ernakovich J.G., F.J. Calderon and M.D. Wallenstein. 2012. Are microbial community traits different in the permafrost than the active layer?  Evaluating controls on microbial community functional diversity. Arctic LTER All Scientists Meeting, Woods Hole, MA.
Challenger A., E.A. Paul, M.D. Wallenstein and J.G. Ernakovich. 2011. The use of FTIR in determining the decomposability of permafrost soil organic matter. Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Fort Collins, CO.
Ernakovich J.G., A. Challenger, F.C. Calderon and M.D. Wallenstein, 2010. Vulnerability of permafrost soil carbon to climate warming: Evaluating controls on microbial community composition. International Society for Microbial Ecology Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA & Argonne Soil Metagenomics Conference, Chicago, IL.
Ernakovich J.G., A. Challenger, F.C. Calderon and M.D. Wallenstein, 2010. Preventing protein-tannin interactions: implementing a directed approach to the optimization of protein extraction protocols from soils. Environmental Proteomics Workshop, Keystone, CO.
Ernakovich J.G., S. Berg, K.F. Reardon and M.D. Wallenstein.  2009. A comparison of active-layer and permafrost microbial community responses to freeze-thaw stress: can microbes adapt to changing climates? Carbon Pools in Permafrost Regions, Stockholm, Sweden.

Teaching Experience
Instructor, Skills for Undergraduate Participation in Ecological Research (SUPER) Program, Colorado State University, 2013- 2014, 2012-2013
Guest lecturer, Rangeland Ecology (RS 315), 2013; Ecosystem Ecology (ESS 311), 2013; Soil Microbiology (SOCR 455), 2012, 2013; Biogeochemical Cycling in Ecosystems (ESS 660), 2012; Ecology (LIFE 320), 2011
Mentor for 21 undergraduate student researchers, 2007-2014, and 1 post-graduate researcher, 2015
Molecular laboratory Instructor, Summer Soils Institute, Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory 2011, 2012
Teaching Assistant, Ecology, Colorado State University, 2011
Co-instructor, Alpine and arctic biogeography and biogeochemistry, Colorado State University 2008, 2009

Field Experience
Soil sampling, Soil under cereal rotation, South Australia, Australia (2/2015)
Soil sampling, Actively grazed pasture, Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia, Australia (2/2015; 10/2014)
Field course, Polar Urals field course on periglacial geology and permafrost, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Russia (7/2012)
Winter and summer active layer soil sampling, Toolik Lake, AK & Thule, Greenland (2007-2010)
Field permafrost and active layer soil sampling, Sagwon Hills, AK (8/2009)
Alaska soil geography field course (Soils affected by permafrost, NRM 689), University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK (7/2009)
Soil sampling, Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment (PHACE) site, Cheyenne, WY (8/2007)

Service Activities
Committee member, Education Fund, US Permafrost Association, 2014-2015
Manuscript reviewer, Nature Climate Change (1), Plant and Soil (1), Soil Biology and Biochemistry (5), Global Change Biology (3), Biogeosciences Discussions (1), ISME Journal (1), Biology and Fertility of Soils Journal (1), Biogeochemistry (2), Journal of Geophysical Research (5), CSIRO Publishing (2), Forest Ecology and Management (1), Soils Research (1)
Mentor, 4 post-baccalaureate researchers, 2009-current (3- CSU; 2- CSIRO)
Mentor for 21 undergraduate student researchers, 2007-2014
Proposal reviewer, Research Corporation for Science Advancement, 2013, 2012’ BiodivERsA (European Union), 2016; Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) (Germany), 2016; Czech Science Foundation, 2016; NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship, 2017
Working group organizer, Linkages among specialized microbial communities across LTER landscapes: Developing the metacommunity concept. Long Term Ecological Research All Scientists Meeting 2012, Estes Park, CO.
Session chair, Permafrost Microbiology, Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, Salekhard, Russia 2012
Science Fair judge, Colorado State Science Fair, 2012, 2011
Organizing committee member, Int’l. Workshop on Environmental Proteomics, 2010
Committee chair (2010), President (2009), Secretary (2008), Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Colorado State University
Volunteer, STEM-a-palooza, to get kids involved in science, technology, engineering, and math, 2009, 2008
Science fair judge, Poudre School District Lab School 2008

Science Communication
Featured scientist in “A day in the life of Arctic soil scientists.” Dec 7, 2015. Reporter: Madeline Fisher, CSA News (a Soil Science Society of America Publication).
Interviewee for news story “Permafrost Carbon: what soil science has to say about its distribution and fate,” 2015. Reporter: Madeline Fisher, CSA News (a Soil Science Society of America Publication). doi:10.2134/csa2015-60-10-1.
Report for farmer, Steve Rogers (Yankalilla, South Australia) regarding carbon stocks, nutrient status, and microbial activity in his pasture soils under different management regimes
Contributor, EcoPress (; a website and blog forum to highlight science from the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU, Fort Collins, CO)
10 tips to mentoring undergraduate researchers, 10/2013
How my science ended up in the trash, 8/2013
Undergraduates Participate in NREL research through SUPER program, 6/2013
Arctic permafrost soils: what’s the big deal?, 2/2012
Contributor, Today @ Colorado State (CSU, Fort Collins, CO online newspaper)
Undergraduates present ecological research at annual SUPER poster session, 5/2014
New undergraduate ecological researcher program celebrates first year cohorts, 5/2013

Participant, SOMMic: Microbial Contribution and Impact on Soil Organic Matter, Structure and Genesis, Leipzig, Germany, 2016.
Participant, Linking aquatic and soil organic matter across ecosystems through characterization of optical properties. Long Term Ecological Research Workshop, Boulder, CO, 2013.
Working group organizer and participant, Linkages among specialized microbial communities across LTER landscapes: Developing the meta-community concept. Long Term Ecological Research All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, CO, 2012.
Participant, Incorporating enzymes and microbial physiology into biogeochemical models, NSF RCN Enzymes in the Environment workshop, Fort Collins, CO, 2012.
Communication fellow, Global Sustainability Leadership, School of Global and Environmental Sustainability, Colorado State University, 2012. Organizing committee member and participant, International workshop on Environmental Proteomics, Keystone, CO, 2010.
Participant, Individual-based Ecology of Microbes, National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NimBios), Knoxville, TN, 2008.

Professional Memberships
American Geophysical Union (AGU), Permafrost Carbon Network (PCN), Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN), US Permafrost Association (USPA), Ecological Society of America (ESA), International Society of Microbial Ecology (ISME), Enzymes in the Environment Research Coordination Network, Environmental Proteomics Society, Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN).

(updated 10/2017)
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