1st Place: Thomas Keegan (UNH)
Link: https://youtu.be/B0aobWPhMuI
Comments from the Judges: “Undocumented Economy" by Thomas Keegan has a clear point of view concerning the benefits of undocumented workers. We were impressed with the balance between the digital presentation and the quality of the content."
2nd Place: Hannah Quinn (UNH)
Link: https://express.adobe.com/page/23FwqTqQNUP1d
Comments from the Judges: “With “The Pollinator Problem," Hannah Quinn has an interesting topic with a clear point of view. Graphically, the presentation was engaging, and this web page thoroughly drew us in."
3rd Place: Paige Rueffert (UNH)
Link: https://media.unh.edu/media/Rueffert+Rich+Media/1_qvi0y1rh
Comments from the Judges: "This personal narrative had a lot of creativity in the video. The story line was clear, and we felt like we went along on this journey of discovery with Paige."

1st Place: Corilie Green (UNH)
Link: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1524850236156018689
Comments from the Judges: “Sabine's Memorabilia,” an interactive piece by Corilie Green from a course in Digital Literature, allows the reader to “sift” literally and figuratively through a box of memories. With each small object in our digital hands, we open a letter, poem, short (short) story, or prose about a life non-linearly linked by the trinkets on the table. Each piece is good enough to stand alone but as a collection it is playful, wandering, and full of music."
2nd Place: Cameron Mehalek (UNH)
Link: https://media.unh.edu/media/The+Big+ContestA+Digital+Storytelling+2nd+PlaceA+Cameron+Mehalek/1_9oa2dpal
Comments from the Judges: “In the video’s framing scene, Cameron Mehalek remembers sitting in traffic with his mother when he tells her. She starts to cry. He asks her why. “Because, I just want you to be happy.” So begins Cameron’s reflection on how we assume being trans means experiencing the world through a filter of suffering, only. This layered, thoughtful video essay, though, is full of joy and all parts humanity, reminding us we exercise a whole range of emotion, especially those we give most access to."
3rd Place: Keegan Eveland (UNH)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdwJORmVEpw
Comments from the Judges: “I really liked Keegan’s piece about “smelling the roses.” Well-narrated and written, good digital work, and truly infused with joy."

1st Place: Emily Wozer, Emily Shafritz, and Lily Neher (UNH)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCYrG3Jigqo
Comments from the Judges: “This project engaged with complex social issues in truly innovative ways. The layering of media over the performance created powerful messaging, and this was enhanced by the discussion of each dance piece. The choreography, creativity, and relevant themes created three profound meditations on global issues. The passion of the student participants and collaboration needed to realize this innovative project made this an example of both creative and scholarly investigation and excellence.."
Produced by Liese Zahabi and Kevin Healey as part of the We Hold These Truths grant program sponsored by COLA at UNH. Choreography and dance performances by Emily Wozer, Emily Shafritz, and Lily Neher.
2nd Place: Ahylvia Parker, Bol Nakdimo, Arianna Kelly, Paraskevi Lykoudi, Achot Nakdimo, David Bilodeau (MCC)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6S7_pq10zM
Comments from the Judges: “This project told one of the truths of mental illness in an innovative way that made the content both accessible and artistically rich. Establishing mental illness as a character within the storyline demonstrated real narrative skill and creativity. This moving video depicts the personal experience of a mental health crisis, showing others they are not alone. The creativity of personifying inner monologue and the real resources provided to help those in crisis made this a meaningful and innovative project."
Ahylvia Parker...script writer
Bol Nakdimo...actress and editor
Arianna Kelly...actress
Paraskevi Lykoudi...director, actress, poet, editor
Achot Nakdimo...sound
David Bilodeau...camera
3rd Place: Addison Kennamer (UNH)
Link: https://media.unh.edu/media/The+Big+ContestA+Innovative+Design+Award+3rd+PlaceA+Addison+Kennamer+/1_8otd4o8m
Comments from the Judges: “The artistic aesthetics of this project were quite striking. This project serves not only as a piece of art in itself, but also as an illustration of the creative process. This student produced a layered look at this creative process, which includes performance, poetry, and an exploration of inner monologue, all the while questioning, which is the spirit of both creativity and critical thinking."

1st Place: Melissa Sprague (NHTI)
Link: http://www.nhteye.com/letters-to-a-young-publication
Comments from the Judges: “While not a creative or persuasive project per se, I think this one has the chance to have the largest impact. It codifies and explains, in very clear terms, how to succeed in something extremely important both to students and to the community at large. Also tremendously useful for Sprague to codify what she’s learned for the next generation(s)."
2nd Place: Rachel Spaulding (UNH)
Link: https://media.unh.edu/media/The+Big+ContestA+Change+the+World+2nd+PlaceA+Rachel+Spaulding/1_opcb09d0
Comments from the Judges: “A well-executed combination of video and slideshow, it approaches a clear problem with nuance and solutions. The clear linkages between policy, culture, and society writ large had real depth and showed both passion and strong research."
3rd Place: Felecia Blodgett-Duran, Emily DeMerritt, Erika Lagrenade, Lucy Owen, Collette Urda (UNH)
Link: https://mypages.unh.edu/hugemanities/multi-systems-presentation?admin_panel=1
Comments from the Judges: “The level of research was high quality, approaching an enduring and complex social problem with tools from a variety of fields. The presentation was polished, thorough, and professionally persuasive."