New Hampshire Humanities Collaborative Small Grants:
Winter Academy 2021, Digital / Zoom, January 29
Morning session: 9-10:30am | Afternoon session: 1-2:30pm
Optional workshop: Teaching with Racial/Social Justice: 11am-12:15pm
The New Hampshire Humanities Collaborative (NHHC) is offering a number of small grants to support the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s and NHHC’s mission to advance racial and social justice, encourage the transfer of community college students to UNH, develop a humanities curriculum linking institutions and regions, and promote the humanities across the state.
For this year’s Winter Academy, especially in light of events over the past year, we seek projects, both faculty and student, that focus on racial and/or social justice. Such projects can be local (NH), macro-US, global, and/or historical, and take a variety of perspectives; all disciplines in the liberal arts are welcome.
Previous small grant awards have ranged from $500 to $8,000, and have included both individual projects and teams of faculty. We encourage cooperative, cross-institution proposals (UNH-CCSNH), and we offer our help in finding suitable partners, but projects need not have representation from both UNH and CCSNH. The Winter Academy will focus on developing ideas and workshopping proposals with the NHHC Fellows and colleagues at other institutions.
Possible projects can take a variety of forms, including but not limited to:
- Academic or popular publication
- Archival work
- Community research and engagement
- Course collaborations / curricular development
- Documentary
- Internship development, research, and site management
- Public outreach / presentation
- Student outreach, recruitment, support, and transfer
- Other one-off or ongoing projects that support the goals of the grant
We are particularly interested in two project areas:
1. Collaborative Research in Racial and/or Social Justice
We seek proposals from faculty interested in pursuing research in tandem with students around racial and/or social justice. Such proposals will seek to create faculty-led student teams exploring a research question around racial and/or social inequalities, inequities, and discrimination. Such research may be global, country-wide, or historical in nature; we also encourage research questions that focus on areas in NH, both regions (Seacoast, North Country, Upper Valley, Lakes Region) and particular cities/towns (Manchester, Nashua, Concord, etc.). The goal will be to develop an ongoing line of faculty-student collaborative research, intended for student and faculty learning, engagement, and/or publication.
Proposals can be tied to an existing or new project. Proposals will be accepted from individual faculty or groups of faculty, with preference given to projects that link faculty and/or students from UNH and CCSNH. We offer our help in finding and forming teams across institutions.
Research teams can begin in Spring 2021, or Summer 2021 if preliminary work is required. Stipends will be provided for faculty and participating students. Include requested stipends in your budget proposal: $50/hour for faculty and $11/hour for students. Other budgetary requests (e.g., travel, materials) are also welcome.
2. Student Internships in Racial and/or Social Justice
We seek proposals that develop new or support existing internships around racial and/or social justice. Internship proposals can be directed toward the creation or support of programs, relationships, and/or specific internship sites. The goal of such internships will be to develop an ongoing site of student internship work addressing racial and/or social justice. Such work can take a variety of forms and themes, including but not limited to: learning, service, research, cultural integration, activism, citizenship and democracy, and art and humanistic expression. We encourage the development of student internship work in areas outside of Durham, NH.
Stipends will be provided for supervising faculty (up to $500/student); student interns (up to $5,000) will also be paid from the grant, intended for part or all of Summer 2021. Other budgetary requests (e.g., travel, materials) are also welcome.
Application Guidelines:
We request that interested applicants notify us of intent to apply by 12pm, January 22 including:
- Which session they plan to attend (morning, 9-10:30am; or afternoon, 1-2:30pm)
- A paragraph summarizing one or more application ideas
Proposal requirements, for complete applications submitted after the Winter Academy:
- Program description, 1-2 pages single spaced
- Budget, with a concise narrative or bullets justifying the budget items, including hours
- Timeline with specific outputs/goals
Evaluation Criteria:
- Appropriateness to the NHHC’s mission
- Feasibility of the budget
- Potential impact of the project (e.g., number of students served, research outputs)
- Likelihood of measures/evidence of success
Proposals due: February 12
Notifications of interest, submissions, and questions to the Project Managers:
Paul Robertson paul.robertson@unh.edu & Leslie Barber lbarber@ccsnh.edu
and Faculty Fellows:
Stephanie Roper sroper@ccsnh.edu; Rick Walters rwalters@ccsnh.edu;
Paula Delbonis-Platt pdelbonis-platt@ccsnh.edu; Colleen Sasso csasso@ccsnh.edu

NHHC First Academy was held in Summer of 2019, Read about all the great events that were scheduled....
Tuesday, June 4 – Hamilton Smith Hall, UNH Durham
9:00-9:30am – Hamilton Smith 210 (enter via stairway facing Main St., take a right)
Registration & Coffee Reception
9:30-10:30am – Hamilton Smith 210
Opening remarks on NHHC
Welcome & Grant Overview – Michele Dillon, Dean of COLA UNH
Role of the Humanities – Reginald Wilburn, Assoc. Dean COLA UNH
Achievements & Programs – Leslie Barber & Paul Robertson
10:30am-11:30am – Hamilton Smith 210
Student Panel 1: Navigating the Liberal Arts
Catherine Peebles (UNH Honors Program Director), Honors students, COLA Navigators
Discussion: Honors Pathways (Gaudet/Butterfield); Honors in CCSNH (Walters)
11:30am-12:30pm – Hamilton Smith 210
Fall Events: Mock Nominating Convention (Lyon/Baer) & Democracy Now! (Roper)
12:30-1:15pm – Hamilton Smith Atrium
1:15-2:30pm – Breakout Rooms in Hamilton Smith (130, 140, 150, 210, 240)
- Faculty: Mock Nominating Convention (Lyon, Baer)
- Ice-breakers, introduction of projects
- Discussion of objectives, desired resources
- Development of materials, e.g. position papers for classes
- Staff & Faculty: Articulations & Pathways maintenance (Barber, Robertson)
- Successes, goals, challenges
- Recruitment, pipeline
2:30-3:00pm – Hamilton Smith Atrium
Break for food and music
3:00-4:00 – Breakout Rooms in Hamilton Smith (130, 140, 150, 210, 240)
- Faculty: Mock Nominating Convention (Lyon, Baer)
- Run mock nominating convention with faculty
- De-brief
- Administer Qualtrix forms for empiricals around attitudes
- Staff & Faculty: Articulations & Pathways maintenance
- Present website, feedback – Ball
- Rural colleges: specific challenges and initiatives – Ansell, Freeborn, Achor
5:00pm – Three Chimneys Inn in Durham
Drinks & Hors d’Oeuvres
6:00pm – Three Chimneys Inn in Durham
Wednesday, June 5
8:00-9:00am – Hamilton Smith Atrium
9:00-9:15am – Hamilton Smith Atrium
Opening Remarks – Ross Gittell, Chancellor of Community College System of NH
9:15-10:00am – Hamilton Smith Atrium
Student Panel 2: Community college students & transfers (Walters, Robertson)
Self introductions, experiences
Attitudes toward transferring, the humanities, different institutions
What does it mean to be a humanities major at a community college?
Challenges, desired resources, enrichment opportunities, recruitment
10:00-11:00am – Breakout Rooms in Hamilton Smith (Atrium, 130, 140, 150)
Small grants: introduction, collaboration, workshop and submission (Robertson)
Small groups by area breakouts, e.g.: admissions, faculty, admins
11:00-11:30am – Hamilton Smith Atrium (or 210)
Address by UNH President James W. Dean Jr.
11:30-11:45am – Free time