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Communications Internship Presentations: Nashua Community College
Communications graduates presented their internship portfolio to their peers, faculty, staff and guest internship partners at the end of the semester. Each student reviewed the competencies they covered through the course of their internship, and shared examples of their work.
“I’m very proud of these three students for persevering no matter what was asked of them at their internships,” said Jennifer Tripp, Communication Program Coordinator and Internship Advisor. “Amanda often had to be at the station at 6 am to be on the air for the morning shows. Mercedes spent more time on Instagram than she ever dreamed she would, studying algorithms and analytics. And Cristle completely taught herself how to create, edit, and animate videos while on the job!”

Communications Student: Amanda Goyette pictured here. Amanda interned with Manchester Radio Group, learning many aspects of broadcast radio such as sales, marketing, promotion/ad creation, and she even got on air a few times.
“It was awesome to have this experience. The biggest part I liked was the audio editing,” said Amanda, adding she’d love to go on air as part of her future career, but would also really enjoy a production job. During her presentation, Amanda shared examples of her audio clips from live broadcasts and Voiceover ads produced at the station.
Amanda was most proud of this ad for the World Wildlife Fund because she created every aspect of it, including the voice over, editing, and production.

Cristle spent the semester interning with United Way of Greater Nashua, where she has focused on graphic design and video production to promote many United Way events on social media and in the community.
Cristle created video tips ahead of United Way events – such as the Nor’Easter Marathon charity event in February 2022. Cristle said she didn’t have much production experience before this internship but learned on the fly and ended up creating dozens of videos. The one she is most proud of is the animated video she created to promote the “grocery totes on city buses project” because she challenged herself to learn animation skills in a short time.
Check out her work at:

As an aspiring food writer, Mercedes sought out an internship in the food and beverage world. She interned with A&E Coffee & Tea Wholesale, where she researched and created content to promote social media engagement.
“This wasn’t exactly what I thought I would be doing with my internship, but I got to roll with it.” She’s returning to the office to continue working this week, even though her class requirements have ended.
Throughout her internship, Mercedes practiced social media content development across channels, such as TikTok, Instagram, and LinkedIn; although her primary focus was content for Instagram. In her presentation, she discussed the collaborative nature of content development, and the patience needed for edits and reworking clips.
This is an example of the kind of work Mercedes produced for A&E’s social media sites:
Professor Jennifer Tripp, Arts, Humanities, Communications & Design Department Chair & Professor Melanie Brooks, Windows Advisor
The Windows Magazine Club produces a magazine of student writing and artwork every semester. This work is produced in a hard copy magazine, available around the NCC campus, and also online on our school website. Windows hosts a coffeehouse at the end of each semester to celebrate writing, art, and music. Walking around campus in December or May, you'll see Windows Magazine in many students' hands. In 2019, Windows won the Campus Compact for NH President’s Leadership Award for “outstanding contributions to student engagement efforts.
To see past issues of the magazine visit: Just scroll to the bottom to Windows Literary Magazine Club
Here is a slideshow of student artwork shown at the coffeehouse: