
Our harm reduction resources are ideal for decision makers, health care providers, pharmacists, and organizations engaged in harm reduction work.

HR FOR NH Decision Makers provides evidence and information about harm reduction strategies tailored for decision makers.

7 Best Practices for Community Harm Reduction this resource specifies harm reduction principles and best practices for communities and community members, and includes addtional information on New Hampshire's harm reduction assets.

Development of a Syringe Service Program in New Hampshire this resource is geared towards organizations that are looking to start a Syringe Service Program (SSP) in New Hampshire.

Emergency Department Resource this resource provides harm reduction best practices for providers who work in emergency departments in New Hampshire.

Stay Safe Tips July 2020 this resource is for people who inject drugs (PWID) in New Hampshire. It provides information on how to stay safe with drug use, and provides contact information for local SSPs, updated to reflect changes for COVID-19.

COVID-19 Resource for Pharmacists this resources addressed frequently asked questions from pharmacists regarding harm reduction during COVID-19.

Pharmacy Resource this resource provides harm reduction best practices for New Hampshire pharmacists.

Compassionate Care this resource is for providers who interact with PWID. It provides information on medications for opioid use disorder and tips on how to manage symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

NH Drug Overdose Facts this resource provides information on drug-related harms in New Hampshire.

Conversations Guide this resource is for providers who interact with PWID. It provides tips on how to engage PWID in conversations about their drug use.
