Nicholas B. Anderson
M.S.Natural Resources, 2020

Nick is a recent graduate from UNH's Natural Resources master's program where he researched coastal ecology. The focus of his research is the disappearance of eelgrass in northern Québec’s largest estuary, James Bay. As eelgrass has declined in this region, so have the fish and waterbirds that rely on it for habitat and forage, threatening the traditional hunting and fishing culture of the First Nations James Bay Cree. Working with Cree communities and an interdisciplinary team at UNH, Nick developed novel video-monitoring methods for eelgrass observation and an index to assess eelgrass health. This work provides an accessible methodology for assessing eelgrass health throughout its range and the products are used in ongoing research to identify the threats and stressors responsible for eelgrass decline in James Bay.

Nick is also a finalist for the Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship in Marine Policy. He will begin as a fellow in February 2021 working with one of the executive branch agencies of offices such as NOAA or Sea Grant. His career goal is to continue to conduct applied research in coastal and freshwater environments that informs fisheries conservation and policy. He also aims to communicate with the public about the importance of estuarine and aquatic ecosystems and the challenges confronting them.

M.S. Thesis: The Development, Validation, and Application of the Eelgrass.

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