Welcome to the UNH Ecohydrology Lab

The Ecohydrology Laboratory led by Dr. Heidi Asbjornsen, is affiliated with the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment and the Earth Systems Research Center.

We focus on understanding the interactions and feedbacks that occur at the interface between ecological and hydrological systems, with an emphasis on the water cycle and the linkages between coupled water, nutrient and carbon cycles.

A particular emphasis of on-going research in the Ecohydrology Lab is to explore the role of vegetation in controlling water fluxes and flowpaths from individual leaves and whole plants to ecosystems, watersheds, and landscapes, as well as how these processes are affected by land use conversion, climate change, and other global change drivers.

We work on both applied and basic research projects and across a range of ecosystem types ecosystems ranging from tropical forests and  tropical paramo to temperate forests and agroecosystems.

We have developed particular expertise in using sapflow sensor systems, plot-scale hydrological manipulations, dendrochronology, and stable isotope approaches to answer questions at the interace of ecosystem ecology and global change science.

Ultimately, results from this research are contributing to providing the scientific knowledge needed to improve the management of ecosystems for diverse services to society, including water quality, regulation of water supply, carbon sequestration and storage, and biodiversity.

Students interested in working with us at either the graduate or undergraduate level are encouraged to inquire about opportunities to do so.

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