Announcing the FY21 CoRE RFP!

February 10, 2020

We are pleased to announce the fourth annual Collaborative Research Excellence (CoRE) initiative for FY2021 funding. CoRE supports UNH’s deep commitment to academic excellence and its distinguished research programs by providing five funding opportunities that collectively reinforce a broad culture of interdisciplinary exchange, collaboration, planning, and support. To-date, CoRE investments have stimulated over $35M in additional external funding for UNH research activities. 

To learn more about CoRE, see previously funded projects, access collaboration resources, and more:

Interested UNH faculty must submit an application via  no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday, April 3, 2020.


  • Interdisciplinary Working Groups support groups of faculty to convene around research topic areas to build awareness and relationships across disciplines, allow for cross-fertilization of ideas, identify potential collaborative research opportunities, and provide a venue for finding partners.
  • Pilot Research Partnerships seed-fund collaborative research projects with strong potential to garner future funding from external sources (including industrial support) and/or with outstanding commercial potential. Projects may be intra-institutional, multi-institutional, or public-private partnerships.
  • Creating New Centers support the establishment of new, interdisciplinary Centers with research programs that have strong potential for significant future funding support from government agencies, corporations, industrial consortia or foundations.
  • Strengthening Existing Centers better position existing interdisciplinary Centers for success.
  • Supporting Large, Complex Proposal Development provide dedicated funding and guidance to increase the competitiveness of UNH teams for major, interdisciplinary external grants.

CoRE is funded through the Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Research, with support from the Office of the Provost. Please contact Maria Emanuel ( if you have any questions about CoRE.

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