Comm-entary is the UNH undergraduate journal of Communication. The journal features samples of the best scholarly work produced by UNH undergraduates on topics of media, rhetoric, and language and social interaction communication. Comm-entary is edited and published by a student editorial board, under the guidance of a faculty advisor from the Department of Communication. The editors are involved in soliciting, reviewing and selecting manuscripts. They also work with the authors on the revisions of the manuscripts for publication of the finished journal. Work on each issue of the journal typically begins in October and ends with its publication in April or May. Participation on the editorial board is open to any UNH undergraduate. Any UNH student may submit work for consideration for publication in Comm-entary.
Over the years, Comm-entary has served a number of valuable purposes on campus. The journal's articles have enlightened campus community members with respect to the nature of the discipline of communication. The journal has helped to educate perspective students and their parents about the character of the major, and Comm-entary's articles have been used in some courses as models of high quality student work. Participation in Comm-entary is an invaluable extra-curricular experience.