Hannah Abigail Stewart
BASAL Lab Intern (2019)

Hannah Stewart graduated with a double bachelors degree in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability and Resource Economics from the University of New Hampshire. Hannah was awarded a Hamel Research Center Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), which allowed her to participate as a BASAL intern for the summer of 2019. Hannah's primary roles within the lab were field research and CFI plot mapping and updating, UAS flight survalence and assistance, design and calculation of stand maps and forest composition for different UNH properties using ArcMap, and website designer.
Hannah has been awarded as a Dean’s List memeber from 2016-2019, Scholar Varsity Student-Athlete Chi Alpha Sigma Honors Society, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee member, Phi Sigma Collegiate Biological Honors Society, Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society, and Richard Andrews Award recipiant.