Welcome to the BASAL Lab

The BASAL Lab specializes in researching and exploring natural resource conservation practices through the use of geospatial analysis involving remote sensing, photogrammetry and image interpretation, digital image processing, and geographic information systems.
The research interests of this lab are divided, almost equally, between basic research on spatial data uncertainty/map accuracy and applied research applying the tools of remote sensing, GIS, and spatial data analysis to solving natural resource problems. These projects have included deer and bear habitat mapping, endangered plant habitat analysis, mapping forest change, fire and fuels management, and eelgrass mapping, to name just a few.
This page will direct and inform you about information on the BASAL Lab, team memebers research papers, and the remote sensing and aerial photography world.

Lab Research Interests
- Quantitative aspects of spatial data
- Assessing the accuracy of remotely sensed data
- Geospatial analysis
- Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Application of remote sensing and other geospatial data to solve natural resource issues
Courses Taught (Professor Congalton)
- NR 658: Intro to Geographic Information Systems (Spring)
- NR 757/857: Remote Sensing of Environment (Fall)
- NR 759/859: Digital Image Processing for Natural Resources (Even Springs)
- NR 760/860: GIS in Natural Resources (Odd Springs)
- NR 458: The Science of Where (Summer, Online, not every summer)
If you are interested or have questions regarding any of the research conducted in this lab, please contact Dr. Russell Congalton at Russ.Congalton@unh.edu.